On October 3rd and 4th, as part of the final seminar for the “From Home to Home” project, we with our partners and experts held various workshops for our participants. This was a good opportunity to share experiences and practical cases related to migrant adaptation. The workshops were conducted in both Polish and English, enabling…
Category: From Home to Home

Final Seminar for the From Home to Home Project
On October 3rd, we hosted next part of our final seminar for the “From Home to Home” project. The event took place in Warsaw’s most iconic building, Plac Kultury i Nauki, with more than 100 attendees. Together with our partners from the Situational Center Open Doors and Epeka, we presented the key results of the…

First Part of Our Final Seminar
On October 2nd, Animus Foundation met with our partners Situational Center Open Doors from Bulgaria and Epeka from Slovenia for the first part of our final seminar of the “From Home to Home” project. Today, we kicked off the process by discussing administrative questions and connecting with our international partners. During the meeting, we: Presented…

Model Of Psychological Adaptation Of Young Migrants
Animus Foundation together with our partners Situational Center Open Doors and Epeka, have developed the MODEL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION OF YOUNG MIGRANTS BASED ON THE PEER-TO-PEER PRINCIPLE as part of the From Home to Home project. This manual is the result of extensive work aimed at supporting young migrants in adapting to their new environment…

Gra Miejska “Kto obrabował fabrykę słodyczy?”
3 lipca w mieście Piekary Śląskie odbyła się nasza Gra Miejska “Kto obrabował fabrykę słodyczy?”, zorganizowana przez naszych przedstawicieli aktywnej młodzieży w ramach projektu From Home to Home. Uczestnicy rywalizowali w 2-4 osobowych zespołach, pokonując rozmaite stacje rozsiane po mieście. Na stacjach głównych musieli: rozwiązać sudoku, rozszyfrować kod morsa, napisać przemowę dla złodzieja słodyczy, odegrać…

Zapraszamy na Grę Miejska!
Zapraszamy wszystkich na naszą grę miejska, która odbędzie się 03 lipca w Piekarah Śląskich . Gra realizowana jest w ramach projektu From Home to Home i współfinansowana ze środków Unii Europejskiej. W grze można wziąć udział w grupach od 2 do 5 osób. Kategoria wiekowa: młodzież w wieku 12-25 lat. Aby się zarejestrować, wystarczy wypełnić…

Training Course in Bulgaria
From May 26 to June 01, the training course “Psychological Adaptation of Young Migrants on a Peer-to-Peer Basis” for youth leaders was held as part of the project “From Home to Home,” hosted by our partner organization Ситуационен Център Отворени Врати The training course took place in the mountainous area of Bansko, Bulgaria, where 18…

From home to home: Online Administrative Meeting
On April 26, an online administrative meeting was held with our partners Foundation “Situational Center Open Doors” and EPEKA Slovenia in the framework of the “From home to home” project. During this meeting we discussed the following key points: Working on a model of psychological adaptation of migrants. Preparation for the upcoming training course in…

From Home to Home: Administrative Online Meeting
💫On April 8, we had a meaningful administrative online meeting with our partners Epeka Slovenia and Situational Center – Open Doors in the “From Home to Home” project. Together we used our time participating in discussions and strategic planning.🙌During the meeting, we covered a variety of key points:📚 Future training course in Bulgaria💡 Discussion of…

Project “From Home to Home” – Kickoff Meeting in Slovenia
From January 11-12, 2024, ANIMUS Foundation proudly joined forces with our partners from Slovenia and Bulgaria at the kick-off meeting in Slovenia, marking the inception of the transformative “From Home to Home” project. Key Highlights from the Kickoff Meeting: – Discussed dates for upcoming global meetings. – Finalized partnership agreement. – Outlined steps for comprehensive…