ANIMUS Foundation or ANIMUS Training Center since 2015 has been active in the field of education and training. The name of the ANIMUS foundation comes from Latin and means rational soul, mind, life, mental powers, consciousness, sensibility. At the beginning Foundation activity reflected interests of its core members and focused on actions aimed at animal protection.At the beginning of 2021, our areas of work were updated. Later on focusing on training of non-formal education and methods of adaptation.
Now, referring to values lying on its foundation, ANIMUS aims at profiting from this knowledge and engages itself in local and European actions aimed at promoting well-being, interculticulturality, equality adapting holistic approach towards training and education reflected in capacity building /development actions.
We are also working on the topic of migrant adaptation, NGO resilience, and the development of educational and adaptation tools for youth workers, youth leaders, educators and other animators and non-formal education workers.
We are also working on the topics of migrant adaptation, NGO sustainability and the development of learning and adaptation tools for youth workers, youth leaders, educators and other animators and non-formal education workers. We are working on games in various formats. We support young entrepreneurs. And we are working on models for developing the competencies of representatives of our target groups.
To give people support to understand their values, priorities, to help develop and grow in the chosen directions, connected with the European Values.
Our value:
To unite and develop modern society based on the education and communication principles.
Our mission:
To help and support communities in their development, through the methods of non-formal education.
Our strategy: